Our hen Foo Foo went broody, so we just let her do her thing and she ended up hatching out two chicks of her very own. The three of them are currently living in our kitchen in the rabbit hutch. It's a bit cold outside so we are giving the little ones a few weeks to strengthen before we move them out to the chicken ark. Foo Foo is a very good mama and it has been a lovely gift to have them right here in our living space so we can watch her cuddle the chicks, teach them and interact with them. You don't realize, until you take the time to observe, that even a chicken seems to love her babies. Motherhood is amazing, really.
The boys, doing what they do all day!
The old girls are settling in nicely (: I had to shear Magpie (black ewe), as I couldn't get her burrs out. There was basically a wall of them amassed on her chest and shoulders, the poor girl. It was a riproar of a time too, let me tell you! She kicked and leaped and tried everything to get out of her shearing session, but Jason held on to her tightly, and I clipped as quickly as I could. Afterwards, you could see in her eyes that she felt much better. She was agitated when she first arrived here at the farm and I mistook that for her demeanor, when really it was just a bunch of burrs at the base of her wool, prickly right against her skin. Now she is a super snuggly sheep, and she lets me pet her all over. She even licked my nose and buried her head into my shoulder to give me a sheep hug. So sweet.

Here Jude is holding Ollie's chicken. She is very tolerant and lets both the boys 'catch' her. Jude declared that he loved her, and wanted to give her a new name and so he called her Beautiful Leaf (:
Eggs collected in the afternoon.
A quick dinner on a busy night for two hungry little boys!
Yum yum sand cake banquet!
Outside tea
We love caterpillars!
A dapper grasshopper
After harvesting tomatoes, cucumbers and cucamelons, we had a little feast on the picnic table. Jude, who has said many a time that he hates cucumbers, ate 3/4 of one! Ollie ate the little yellow tomatoes (:
September is flying by at a rapid speed, it is true. I don't quite know how we got to this point. Summer was so fleeting, and already I am clad in layers; the air is chilly, the house is chilly!
I am not ready to be cold yet. Hopefully there will be more warm days to enjoy!