June 25, 2016

June goodness

Rhubarb Crisp in the makings. It was sooooo good.

My woolies!

Jason and I went canoeing with the boys.

...and Isabella took out the kayak.

Jason made masks with the boys one afternoon. Here is Jude's.

And here is Ollie's! What a long face for a four year old!

Chicken aprons in the works.

We spotted this lady-turtle laying eggs on our friend's beach.

And this rabbit was in the yard!

Our days have been filled with kids and gardens, chickens, sheep, and the making of food. We are tired as we are every spring and summer, the busiest times of the year, but it is a good tiredness; A satisfied, long-day-spent-working-at-something-you-love kind of tiredness!


  1. Hey lovely, I've been thinking of you! Glad to track you down. Happy Equinox tomorrow! Wishing you and your creative family lots of love.
    xo Jules

    1. Yay Jules! You found me! :) :) Warmest of happy autumn blessings to you and your lovely family xoxo


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