Definitely worthy of a blog post! (-;
May 29, 2011
May 28, 2011
I've been doodling..
...It seems that I never have enough time to do creative things, especially things that have no 'distinct' purpose, such as doodling. I generally torture myself into thinking that if it's for no actual reason, then I should not spend my time in such a way, and try to do something productive. Pretty silly, right? Yeah, I know. It sort of leaves no room for 'nurturing the creative spirit'. But for some reason, when I started gardening something happened to me; something broke loose. just a little, that let a sparkle into my mind and told me that I should start doing things for myself, things that I want to do, even if that un-fun part of me puts up a fuss. So, long story short ~ I doodled, and it was fun. I also took part in a blog swap for handmade creations that I will report on later (: And made rice pudding (:
May 26, 2011
Our garden thus far
Last weekend I dug up my sister's garden and helped myself to a bunch of echinacea plants, hollyhocks, flowering vines of which name I don't know yet, and a couple other unidentified plants which, upon blooming will more than likely tickle me pink. I helped my sis plan to her garden and pick out the plants and flowers almost ten years ago, so I am sure I will approve of them! I do hope they make it. I have never transplanted such established plants before and tried my best to be gentle and respectful of their root systems and to replant them as soon as possible. We shall see! I do love gardening, so much, and my heart is singing once again after a long absence from this particular joy.
The pictures below were taken before the new (old) arrivals but they are still lovely and give one a sense of the lush garden to come.

The pictures below were taken before the new (old) arrivals but they are still lovely and give one a sense of the lush garden to come.
May 24, 2011
One of my favourite things in all the world (-:
This is what we did last weekend; a family campfire, complete with hot dogs and roasted marshmallows (: Isabella had gone to a friend's house for a sleepover so she missed out but Jude enjoyed every moment of the festivities, especially the marshmallows (-:
May 21, 2011
I'm real dirty
Today we did the most of our planting in the garden! A glorious afternoon spent (: We've got, so far:
four kinds of sunflowers (I'm growing a sunflower house!)
morning glories
a mix of different greens
green beans
pink pampas grass
tomatoes - a few different varieties
orange pumpkins + white pumpkins
apple mint
lemon balm
lemon verbena (I LOVE anything lemon. It makes me so happy)
cosmos flowers
We still have a few little spots that are unspoken for. My sis is tired of her garden and so I'll zip to her place this week and dig up her hollyhocks, foxgloves and whatever else happens to be growing in her wild and untamed garden, and hope that they transplant well (: She is eager to adopt an easier-to-maintain garden look whereas I would love to amass hundreds of veggies, plants and flowers in our one garden plot (-;
Honestly, this garden is going to be absolutely unbelievably beautiful! Jason built a twig fence around the entirety of its circumference and constructed a gate to match. Mom donated her pretty garden globe for the center of the herb garden and we're adding touches of rocks and obsidian for borders and wooden slabs for pathways. And did I mention the sunflower house I've planted? That will indeed be magical when it blooms: four kinds of sunflowers for the walls ~ morning glories for the roof ~ I can't wait!
Getting my hands dirty, it brings me so much joy!
May 20, 2011
May 9, 2011
Mother's day (:
May 1, 2011
a quote for today
"The journey begins right here
In the middle of the road.
Right beneath your feet.
This is the place.
There is no other place.
...There is no other time.
~ David Whyte ~
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