June 1, 2013

Hugging Woolly Pippin


Woolly Pippin is a love-being. Since the first moment he arrived he has loved being held, hugged and snuggled. He is huge now, much larger even than the last photo but he still happily sits on my lap for lambie snuggles. Oh my goodness, I love these lambs of ours so much! I only wish they didn't grow so fast..They slept in a crib beside my bed for a month and a half so I could bottle feed them at night but then they became way too huge to sleep in there; Their diapers couldn't go the distance anymore and they would leap out over the bars and try to sleep with me. They seem fine in the barn now, although I do miss them trotting around the house (-;


  1. I think he loves it because when I would give him his bottle I would always pick him up and snuggle with him :-) He's a sweetie for sure.
    What breed of sheep is Teapot?

  2. Awww (: He has had so many loving mamas, lucky boy!
    Teapot is a North Country Cheviot cross, 'just' a meat sheep (a very lucky meat sheep) who is now a very loved sheep.


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