Where did all that time go? At first it seemed to be crawling along, slowly, slowly, and then it zoomed! And now, I suppose it will start to feel slow again, the moments and days and weeks before the birth. Or not (-: We shall see.
This Sunday happens to be mother's day, and on Saturday Jason's work colleagues are throwing us a baby shower/dinner party event. Ooh, baby one is really jabbing his knees out of my belly! I love it. I wake up in the morning and all is calm, and then the baby wakes and starts rolling and poking and reminding me to eat something really, really yummy for breakfast (-: I love the feeling of baby kicks, There is nothing else like it. It's truly magical.
Joanne Shenendoah is playing on the radio; Native American women's songs. I have burned sage and incense on this day, eaten a tamale, spring mix salad and orange juice for lunch, petted the furballs, swept the apartment, made the beds and researched various necessary things on the internet. Now I am ready for a nap. This late-pregnancy exhaustion is really something!
Well then, I am off. I sold this print today ~ yay! ~ Beautiful Tuesday to you (-:

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