It's 8:30 am as I sit down to type out a few thoughts. Usually Jude is peacefully asleep by this time, but after our usual morning routine of him wriggling in bed for half an hour gooing at the umbrella on the ceiling, a much-needed bath in the kitchen sink, and then being wrapped in a warm blanket for his morning milk until he nods off to sleep, Mabel (the naughty rabbit) commenced an intense digging session in the bottom of her cage, jolting Jude out of his peaceful slumber.
September 30, 2009
all good things
It's 8:30 am as I sit down to type out a few thoughts. Usually Jude is peacefully asleep by this time, but after our usual morning routine of him wriggling in bed for half an hour gooing at the umbrella on the ceiling, a much-needed bath in the kitchen sink, and then being wrapped in a warm blanket for his morning milk until he nods off to sleep, Mabel (the naughty rabbit) commenced an intense digging session in the bottom of her cage, jolting Jude out of his peaceful slumber.
September 29, 2009
FEATURED!!! Woo-Hoo!
Click the art print to see(-:

September 28, 2009
starting my day with good thoughts..
September 27, 2009
this weekend..

baby naps
September 25, 2009
so very very sleepy am I
He started out sleeping 5-8 hours straight each night but now, that has all changed.
I'm not even sure how many times he wakes each night, as I am so dilerious that I cannot even see the clock with my crazed and blurry vision, but I am thinking every 1-2 hours. Overall I am fine with this, having had the same experience with my daughter, but the past three nights Jude has been fussing and crying out in his sleep, wriggling for what seems like hours at a time, and generally sleeping in a very non-peaceful manner.
I can only think that perhaps it is something I have eaten. I read up on the internet about such things and the most common sensitivity-causing foods for breastfed babies are:
cow's milk
soy products
There are a few others too but I believe that these make up the majority of baby sensitivities.
The way I figure it, I'd like to be more healthy anyway, so I'll eliminate the dairy. I never drink milk anyways, I find it rather disgusting, but I do sometimes have soy milk with my morning muesli. I'll just switch to rice milk. And I do rather like yogurt in a smoothie or for a late morning snack with almonds or fruit, so I'll try the goat's milk variety..I've stayed away from peanuts and eggs since having Jude,, and as far as wheat, I'll search for some alternative bread. That shouldn't be hard to find here in California ~ The land of health food! (-: I've always loved that deep rich dark rye German-style bread..yum.
The truth is, I have never handled dairy products anyway. I've had a chronic nose-sniffle my whole life (except that one year when I ate only a raw vegan diet). It isn't easy to convert your eating habits but it does seem that I have no choice at this point. That does make the transition easier.
More fruits and veggies. And perhaps I'll grab some spirulina or green food supplement while I'm at it (-:
September 24, 2009
Hummingbird sandwich dream
September 22, 2009
12 weeks
She has been creating a small novel dedicated to the adventures of her doll Pipo, finger knitting, hand sewing, machine sewing, writing letters to her pen pals, reading reading reading and creating a kindergarten for her stuffed toys. So creative she is (-:
Jude is currently doing what he loves best, enjoying his milk (-: I cannot wait until our move to Canada, so that my mom can meet him! I'm sure there will be tears in her eyes from the beauty of it all.
September 18, 2009
happy happy boy (-:
Jude is an extremely happy baby. He smiles and smiles and smiles. Still he has not offered to entertain us with his first baby giggle, but it has to be coming, and soon (-:
At first, when Jason and Isabella went back to school after the summer break I felt slightly traumatized and abandoned, having had them with me since the moment Jude was born. We were not apart as a family the entire summer. I was worried that I wouldn't be able to cope, but really, I needn't have worried. Jude and I have developed this lovely rhythm to our day which allows me ample moments to work on my own creative endeavours, maintain our living quarters, drink lots and lots of tea and eat my meals peacefully. I have even been taking much-needed long walks around the city. Jude is such a lovely, sweet boy. He sits cozily in his Moby wrap and studies the trees, people, cars and buildings as we stroll, sometimes for up to 45 minutes before he is lulled off to sleep by my movement.
I recall achieving a similar level of peaceful flow with Isabella when she was a baby as well. I love my children with great intensity. I love that I see their ancientness and not just their dependency. I love that I see them as equals, as perfect beings with a reason for being on this planet, just as I am here. I love that as they they develop, I grow too, in leaps and bounds.
September 17, 2009
Go to Garden Mama's blog to see! It would be awesome to win a subscription if you're into such a thing (-;
In my own world, sweet baby Jude is sleeping on my left arm at this very moment. Bliss.
September 16, 2009
I love this..

September 14, 2009
September 12, 2009
my very first blog
I am happy (-:
I spilled water on Jason's laptop a week ago (It was an accident of course) and it was actually cheaper to get him a new one than to get it fixed. And since I don't have one (mine was lovingly given to me by my sister but it was ridiculously old and finally died a couple weeks ago) I got one too! Yayyyyyy!!! I am happy. I have never owned a bran-new laptop before.
I felt really bad about killing Jason's old laptop with that water, but you see, sometimes bad things happen but in the end, it turns out that they really aren't bad things after all.