{this moment} - A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. ~ inspired by Soule Mama
February 25, 2011
February 24, 2011
how we play
Jude has a large box of toys. He hardly plays with any of them. Isabella was the same when she was a little one. The favourites around here have always been the 'treasures' which are often found in food cupboards or stashed in the back of some adult's closet. In short, an entrely non-toy for a toy. I love that children will play with just about anything and although I do occasionally get tricked by all the cute toys that exist and purchase one, usually for a holiday, it inevitably seems silly afterwards. Except the pretty knitted fruits and vegetables in the first photo. I ordered them from Green Mountain Wee Woolies on etsy, and Jude does play with those. And so do I, because they are just so lovely. And when we're done playing I put them in a big jar to admire and they bring me lots of joy! So pretty (:
February 21, 2011
February 19, 2011
PipoDoll in Sweden!
I have been meaning to post about something just so lovely for quite some time now...
Some of my plush gnomes, ornaments and embroidered greeting cards are being sold in a wonderful lil' shop in Sweden! My dear friend and fellow artisan Jenny Karlsson has asked me to sell my handmade lovelies alongside her handmade lovelies and I am tickled pink (: Here is a photo she took near Christmas~time:

Some of my plush gnomes, ornaments and embroidered greeting cards are being sold in a wonderful lil' shop in Sweden! My dear friend and fellow artisan Jenny Karlsson has asked me to sell my handmade lovelies alongside her handmade lovelies and I am tickled pink (: Here is a photo she took near Christmas~time:

Happy me! (:
Jenny is an awesome creative girl and she makes gorgeous embellished bags, embroidered sachets and crocheted treasures. You should really check out her shop! I have a bag she made years ago; It has become worn (and holey) with time, which makes me sad, but it is also one of my favourite things in the whole world, which is why I plan on framing it! Clever me ;-) Here are a few of my favourites that she has made::
Happy Saturday to you! I am off to have some green tea!
February 18, 2011
{{ this moment }}
{this moment} - A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. ~ inspired by Soule Mama
February 17, 2011
little moments of life
The past weeks have included much in the way of playful noise (very loud!), glorious creativity (of the kid variety), immense amounts of tea drinking, reading, playing with bouncy balls, play food, toy trucks, board books and cardboard boxes. For my part, I have a gazillion awesome ideas for creative things,, but never enough time to bring them into fruition! Aaaarrr! Soon soon soon. (:
Isabella is such a creative girl (:
Here is the corner of my bedroom that I love the most.
Jude has gotten very fast!
He loves to run in the hallway (:
Sumo the cat reading the Tale of Tom Kitten! Smart kitty!
Jude sleeping with his best~bud (unbenownst to him). Cozy (:
As time goes forward, As the little moments stretch and grow into hours and days and weeks, I fall in love with my children more and more and more. I am so blessed to have them in my life. What have I done to deserve this amazing gift? I do not know. But I am so happy (: Even if they make me tired, throw up on me and poke poke poke me every time I try to make some art ~ I am so happy! ^__^
February 16, 2011
I love the library
I LOVE the library. When Isabella was small we used to take out at least 50 books each week, and sometimes twice a week. Those were fun times (: We would get them home and she would want me to read them all, one after the other after the other. I tried my best to oblige her but usually ran out of steam by book # 30. (: I don't get a huge amount of time to indulge in reading, but I manage to squeeze bits out of my day, such as the moments when I am nursing Jude to sleep in the late morning and for 10 minutes before bed. I love to read. This pile of books here I checked out of the library three weeks ago and hardly touched. Well, that's not true ~ I did look through the crafty ones, and Isabella started a sewing project from the Cute Stuff book, but the rest have been pretty much patiently awaiting my attention. So I renewed them. ^__^
Jude is really loving the children's books now that he's the ripe old age of 19 and a half months! I love that he'll sit quietly on my lap and share a story as I LOVE to read children's books. Especially out loud. I never knew this about myself until I had Isabella, and when she grew up and started reading her own novels I was saddened greatly at the end of our shared reading era...I still have her favourite toddler-aged books but Jude has his own favourites, namely anything by Todd Parr and the 'David' Books (written by David Shannon). Good times.
February 5, 2011
Three new lovely ladies (:
I have just added these three new art prints to my etsy shop! Delighted I am!
My wonderful sister has just popped by for a wee bit of a visit. Yay! She, Bella and I will take tea together at a favourite place in town while baby Jude naps with his daddy (: Girls day out! Woo hoo! (I suppose it is pretty obvious here that I don't get out much without the babe.) 'Tis true, Jude is my constant little sidekick. I wouldn't wish it any other way, but what a rare gift that he should nap while I am able to hang out with the girls. Well, with that I am off to hunt for yummy chai lattes! ^__^
February 4, 2011
{{ this moment }}
{this moment} - A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. ~ inspired by Soule Mama
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