After enjoying our drinks, we spent a long while at the playground while Isabella ran and played and swung and spinned, and then we ventured over to the library. Have I ever mentioned how MUCH I love the library?? I do. I always have. It's something of a miraculous gift in this day and age to be able to walk into a library and come away with armfuls of free books! When Isabella was a toddler we did just that, taking out so many books that sometimes I'd have to travel back and forth to the car twice to load them all in. And we would get home and read ALL of them! In one sitting! Nowadays Isabella devours books like they're chocolate cake and I am so grateful for establishing those early patterns with such gusto!
We picked up a peach cobbler and whipped cream on the way home and will partake of it shortly ^__^
I want to mention that I have been featured in an etsy treasury too -
And here, to leave off I will post the cutest picture ever.
Of course, it's of our dear sweet Mabel.

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