February 26, 2010

little lady in a teacup (:

This sweetie will be posted in my shop as an art print very sooooon (:
And...I am working on another five drawings as well!


So far, this morning has been profoundly productive. I'm showered,
Jude is bathed, I've had breakfast, The entire floor is swept, the tables are washed,
Random things have been tidied up and put away, The kitchen floor is cleaned,
The bed is made, Jude has been nursed a gazillion times and now he is napping (:

Only 9am ~ Off to do my creative thing!

February 25, 2010

Jude (:



Well, I have no idea where the past eight months have gone, but somehow I find myself at this place in time where my baby Jude has been in our lives that long ~ At this very moment he is chatting away to himself and shuffling his little bottom across the floor. He is very goofy and has a great sense of humour, as tiny as he is. He had a doctor's check up yesterday, of which he was supremely unimpressed and cried the whole time. Jason picked him up to cuddle and comfort him for a moment and was promptly peed upon ~ Jude was sans diaper at the time ~ Good times. Then he cried the whole way home.
I took these pictures of Jude, Jason and I at a sweet little cafe in Berkeley where we have been going for four years now off and on,, They have the best chai tea lattes and a big huge jar of freshly made watermelon juice whenever you happen by. Yummy (:


February 24, 2010

Baby bum shuffle (:

Here is a slightly outdated photo (perhaps two weeks!) of Jude
visiting with his friend, the earth (: He loves being outside, and even
just a quick walk around the block or to Whole Foods to get a hot cocoa ~
(A busy mama needs one of those every once in a while!) makes
any day into a very happy day (: He loves the fresh air, wind,
singing birds and especially the rain..Just like his mama (:
I have not mentioned yet his newest and most amazing skill ~ The 'Bum Shuffle'!
He has been scooting around the floor for three days now, and it seems
that with each new day, he becomes even more speedy than the day before!
I know now that life is forever changed...My stationary 'little baby' is gone forever,
and in his place is a giggling, cat-chasing munchkin who is delighted with his
new-found gifts of freedom and movement (: I have been madly baby-proofing,
but cannot help the cats; The poor dears are on their own.
The sweetest thing is watching baby Jude shuffle across the floor into his Daddy's
outstretched arms, a huge smile on his little face (:

February 23, 2010

i love the rain

Is there anything more magical, more peaceful, more wild and lovely?

As I write this, baby Jude rests on the couch, bundled up in blankets.
He is feeling a bit better today after a somewhat decent night's sleep,
helping him to fight off the illness..The day is rainy and dark, which I love,
and I can hear the happy chickadees chirping away on the patio.
The first wondrous signs of springs are utterly apparent now, which is a tricky
thing to notice in Northern California as it always sort of portrays a spring-like
climate, but indeed, the Magnolias are in bloom and the birds seem happier (:
I feel the change of season within me and respond sometimes unknowingly,
By madly vaccuming, cleaning  and sorting,
By taking longer spontaneous walks outside,
By dancing more and noticing the birdsong all of a sudden,
even though, most certainly, it was always there for me to hear (:

February 22, 2010

sick baby

Poor Jude has caught the nasty illness that Isabella dealt with all last week and consequently kept her home from school for four days. Stuffy, runny nose, achy body, all-round miserable with a horrible cough. Isabella made the most of her time, taking advantage of some library-rented movies which she watched on my laptop in bed, reading, writing letters and such. But Poor Jude just cries and fusses, and mainly at night ~ ALL night. Needless to say, we are both having quite an 'earthly experience' adventure. The poor wee thing; I spent most of the past two nights sleeping upright, propped on the giant, marshmallow-shaped pillow I made so long ago, holding him 'just so' against my chest so that he can breathe. During the day, I have been carrying him more than ever in the Moby wrap, which keeps an otherwise overwhelmed and grumpy baby boy rather content and even smiley at times. In fact, we just returned from a lovely stroll around the neighbourhood. The sky was exceptionally sunny this morning and I though the perfect thing for an ailing baby would be some fresh air and sun, and of course lots of friendly, open-faced strangers showering him with smiles and good energy (: He is snoring away right now, his sweet little face buried against my chest. Motherhood is a wild, crazy, completely unpredictable adventure, and of course I wouldn't change it for the world (:

February 19, 2010

GIVEAWAY!!!!! Oh boy! Oh boy! Oh boy!

YOU just might be the lucky lucky person to win TWO of my own handmade treasures (:

This lovely gnome and art print are being featured in a ♥GIVEAWAY♥ at the wondrous Garden Mama's Blog
so scoot on over there and leave your comments..cross your fingers.. (:

February IS indeed the month of love...♥♥♥
It brings my heart a true burst of joy to lovingly pass these two creations on to you...
Into your hands, into your home, into your life


February 18, 2010

New prints!

These two children are available as art prints in my etsy store
(: A sweet brother and sister, methinks!

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

On a more real-life sort of note, Poor Isabella has been sick as a dog this past week. Coughing, snuffly nose, sore tummy, big rings under her eyes. She has already missed a week of school due to the flu and now she's home yet again. I was able to get outside yesterday, which was a welcome miracle ~ I have been homebound since last week caring for her ~ so I wore Jude in the moby and scooted downtown to pick up some cough medicine, raspberries, blueberries and movies for Bella, a few cookies for Jason and I, and I mailed a bunch of letters at the Post Office. Fun times! Seriously! When you are home home home all the time and then you are allowed to roam freely in the sun, there is no end to the heart's joyousness. Today I will drag Isabella out onto the patio and get her into the bath. Hopefully she will feel somewhat refreshed.

As for me, Tomorrow at 7am I am having my wisdom teeth pulled out!!!! I am SCARED! I should have had it done when I was a teenager but like I said, I was too scared. Now it's a necessity..I am a brave girl in a general sense ~ Two all-natural births with no painkillers ~ but there's just something about the mouth..Anyway, it has to be done. Not looking forward to it. Not one bit...I think it would have been fine if I could be 'out' for the surgery, but because I'm full-time breastfeeding I cannot take that route, so I'll have local aneasthetic and some nitrous gas.

Send me strength!

February 12, 2010

Valentine's day preparations!

Valentine's day naver goes by unnoticed around here. I don't know what it is about this day, this holiday, that so tickles me, but for some reason I find myself feeling extra-creative, and wild about sewing and felt and drawing.. Isabella loves it because of 'all the candy'. This is because of her school experiences; Usually Valentine's day parties involving cupcakes, lollipops and candies. Of course there is still the traditional exchange of Valentines, of which we always make our own ~ We are a dying breed in the modern-day school system, sadly ~ but that's ok. It's fun. This year Isabella and I made some potato-print Valentines on heart-shaped cutouts but they didn't turn out nearly as pretty as we would have liked, so we resorted to Plan B, which was origami. Jason had the great idea to make Valentine lips for her 29 classmates, which we created together yesterday evening, in a plethora of colours. Jude and I made some secret Valentines of our own too, involving his foot and a big red ink pad (:

Happy Valentine's day!


February 11, 2010

Things that make me happy on this day..

These wonderful fabrics!!
oooh, how I wish I was rich rich rich! I would buy fabric all day long (:

They can be found here

February 10, 2010


"Don't ask what the world needs. Ask what

makes you come alive, and go do it. Because

what the world needs is people who have

come alive."

~Howard Thurman~

February 9, 2010

in the swing

haha!! Jude's not looking so impressed, but if truth be known,
he actually liked the swing quite a lot. It nearly lulled him to sleep (-:

February 8, 2010


Done! And delivered (-: I really liked these girlies.
Both have hand-drawn faces and a pocket for storing wishes (-:
I'll probably be making some more very very soon!


February 5, 2010

in the making..

There are two birthday parties happening this weekend ~
One for a just-turning-4-year-old and one for a just-turning-10-year-old.
Hence the creation of these two lovely ladies.
The faces are hand-drawn and their bodies are made from a sweater..
Legs are coming soon (-:

Deer and Elk at Point Reyes

We LOVE Point Reyes. Had my camera batteries not run out within the first half hour that we were there, you would have a better idea just why that is. Ocean, coastline, hills, vultures and hawks circling, deer, elk, seals, whales (in season), an historic lighthouse and farms...
We first saw some deer in a field beside the road..I love deer; They are so ladylike and gentile.. (except when they stick their tongue out at you. This one in particular is so rude!)

And as we got closer and closer to the ocean, Elk! The males all hang out together, as do the females.The males are huge creatures, and of course they won't let you near them to get a decent photograph.
Thank goodness I have a decent zoom on my camera (-:

We ended up having a picnic lunch on McClure's Beach: french bread and cheese, kettle corn, blueberries, jasmine tea.. Jason and Isabella discovered a bunch of garnets (which are 'rubies' in their polished state) encased in a large rock and I did some peaceful crocheting beside Jude on the sand as he played with a few small toys and watched the huge waves rolling and crashing. It was lovely.

Here are a couple links:

February 4, 2010

Baby hat

I made this!
I'm delighted.

I learned how from a youtube video (-:
I didn't have a clue about crochet before! I used a smaller crochet hook though, and ended up with a baby hat, instead of an adult-sized hat. But that's what I really wanted anyway. Poor Jude has already grown out of his awesome knitted strawberry hat & his ears poke out. Brrrr! (-: I just finished crocheting a hat for Isabella too; I just need to add a button and it's done! Yay!

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