March 31, 2009
100 posts!
Tuesday morning. Orange juice, green tea and french toast. Busy, then calm. Chatter, quiet, then birdsong. Tash is sleeping still.
I do not know what is on our agenda for today, but I do know I am grateful for the momentary peace of this bright morning as I sit at the ktchen table, breakfast finished, sunbeams streaming in and dancing about on the jolly spring-coloured tablecloth.
The past five days have been filled with activity. Much in the way of sightseeing. The first morning Tash awoke here, we caught a taxi to the labour and delivery area of the hospital, Me panicked at having had less movement from the baby since the day prior. Once I was hooked up to a fetal heart monitor he started bopping around and we knew all was fine. I, apparently, am more on edge than I thought in this pregnancy,, but it's good to know. Now I can work on letting go of some of my prior traumas. The doctor came in and did an ultrasound and baby one had his little fist up, poised in a 'thumbs up' and she was quick, She took the picture (-:
The rest of our day was spent zipping in and out of some lovely small shops and chatting, the way our visit was meant to be.
The next day we again did some shop perusing, stopping for lunch at a nearby cafe for salads and water,, then strolled up to Isabella's school for her hip hop presentation.
On Saturday Jason, Isabella and I took Tash to Napa Valley to do some wine tasting (no, I did not partake )-: )) and she loved it. We visited a bunch of different wineries and took some really beautiful pictures. Sunday was spent driving along route one until we found a great beach to set up for a picnic. The wind was unbelievable and so we sat in a small wind-free area at the base of the cliff and relaxed while Jason walked along the beach looking for treasures. We visited the pigeon point lighthouse next, and then one more beach where we hung out in a cave partially enclosed with large pieces of driftwood. Fun (-:
Monday, being a school holiday, was spent first at Muir woods, then at an absolutely breathtaking oceanside spot we found when we pulled off to take some pictures. Traveling down the narrow pathway, we discovered a perfect picnic area - soft grass - and we stayed there for a while, taking photos, munching bagettes with havarti cheese and being sun warmed and windblown..Pictures of all our travels are coming soon (-:
Now I find myself ready to hop in the shower and get ready for another day of fun sisterly adventures. I hope your day is filled with happiness and beauty as well..(-:
March 25, 2009
oop! an etsy front page ~
Interestingly, what prompted me to do a search for past front pages where I may have been included is the fact that I went to etsy just a few moments ago and saw that one of my art prints was on the front page! That was a shocker (-: A good one, of course. With my preparations for my sister's visit, my pregnancy, life and all, I have been a bit lacking in the art department but I think the universe is giving me a bit of a nudge...I need such a thing sometimes (-:
Did I mention my sister is coming?? Of course I did,, because I am so very pleased! Tonight, arriving in San Fransisco, she will have been transported all the way across the continent! Yippee! Fun times ahead...
March 24, 2009
Mabel's flower wall (-:
(from the sweet children's book 'Marshmallow')
March 23, 2009
28 weeks
Technically, according to the medical standard of measuring a woman's pregnancy, I would be considered '27 weeks' pregnant, where the baby is actually '25 weeks' old, but I know on which very evening my sweet babe was conceived for I felt it with every part of me. It was magical and a very wild, connected sensation; That which occurred at the moment of conception ~ and I feel profoundly blessed that I was open and clear enough to understand what was happening (-:
March 22, 2009
The Lady of Shalott
On either side the river lie
Willows whiten, aspens quiver,
By the margin, willow veil'd,
Only reapers, reaping early,
There she weaves by night and day
read the entire poem here
I am now off to enjoy my lovely Sunday...Have a beautiful day (-:
March 21, 2009
A few new sketches (-:
I can't wait to meet my second beautiful baby (-: Less than three months to go!
My sister is coming in just a matter of days now! Isabella and I are going to wash the windows tomorrow to honour her arrival (-: I am still in disbelief, which is so silly but must just be the way of my inner workings.
I have been experiencing some serious nesting instincts as of late... I understand that it is a completely natural behaviour had by pregnant ladies like myself and yet, it can make me slightly crazy if I am unaware of why I want to sweep the floor a hundred times a day or fix the rumpled couch cover every time I walk past it, or organize the baby clothes, bath supplies and blankets once every day. I find it helps to get out a lot. Many walks. Fresh air. And with my sister coming, that should be the perfect, healing diversion from my nesting instincts. Whew. I am taking a nice big, deep breath...
March 17, 2009
summer musings

Growing up, creative expression of any kind was welcomed and encouraged, so we always had odd assortments of artistic creations (such as SquashPow here) sitting around our home.. I fondly recall and miss intensely the piles of magazines and library books on the kitchen table, stacks of white paper just waiting to be drawn, doodled or written on, sticks and rocks and twigs and chunks of moss hanging from the door handles, window frames and ceiling.. Visitors would be entranced looking around, taking in all the odd scenery of our home and I must say, I am much less creative here in my own place. Too neat I think. I need to summon up all that wild creativity and let it out to make a giant, lovely mess (-:
March 16, 2009
weekend musings
She petted a chinchilla as well, and then felt very brave and asked if she could wear this much larger snake around her neck (-: We were surprised that she wasn't afraid. Isabella is such a great girl.
This would be Bella's face and hands...
I love Tasha Tudor
"Einstein said that time is like a river, it flows in bends. If we could only step back around the turns, we could travel in either direction. I'm sure it's possible. When I die, I'm going right back to the 1830s. I'm not even afraid of dying. I think it must be quite exciting." ~ Tasha Tudor
(I'm sure she's enjoyong herself right this moment (-:)
March 13, 2009
Slightly sick

Yes, I am feeling much better. Wonderful Jason brought me a cupcake from his school, which I ate despite the body aches and misery. It helped some (-:
He also refilled the bird feeders last night and already the patio is a happy symphony of birdsong; My favourite sound.
March 12, 2009
March 11, 2009
~dried mango slices~

This morning I no sooner kissed Isabella goodbye and sent her off to school than my Mom phoned; A welcome surprise (-: We chatted for a good two hours and it put me in good spirits indeed ^__^ I have a midwife appointment this afternoon and this also cheers me; It has been a month and a half since my last one and it will be nice to talk with her. I used to abhor my ob/gyn appointments but now that we have started with a new facility that has midwives, all that has changed. Thank goodness, because if not I'm not sure what I would do,, But it would probably be drastic..
My recent pregnancy craving has been.......cheerios! Not 'real' cheerios, but rather the Trader Joe's brand 'Honey Nut O's' which just really do it for me right now. Pregnancy is so silly! I have gone through a few cravings this time around although none of them have been so bizarre: watermelon juice, vegetarian sushi rolls, mochi for a short while, buttermilk biscuits, root beer, weetabix, and now the cheerios.
My belly is growing beautifully...I'm roughly 6 and a half months pregnant now and I look it, although, isn't it a funny thing ~ The mind.. I am still in some odd in-between state of consciousness concerning the birth of this child of mine; Disbelief and an inability to comprehend the vastness of the changes that are soon to come to me and my life. And this, coming from someone who has already carried, birthed and raised a child during the past eight years! I tend to think of it as being a gift, This feeling of innocence and the consequent ability to start fresh all over again.. (-: It will enable me to come from a place of naturalness and intuition like I did when raising Isabella, without any junk piled up in my thoughts from too much information and experience.
Isabella was a bit under the weather this week, so she stayed home from school on Monday and Tuesday. The poor girl had a nasty cold and a bit of a fever so she camped out on the couch the first day, eating fruit and drinking water and watching Tom and Jerry cartoons on YouTube (you may recall that we don't own a tv and only use such forms of passive entertainment for rare occasions) and the next day she spent a great deal of time sitting on a huge pillow knitting while Mabel snuggled on her lap. So sweet (-: We also worked together putting compiling a birthday package for her Grandma Jude, whose birthday is coming this month, and she took a really really really lengthy bubble bath. Ahh, the life..
My artwork has been somewhat side-burnered although I do have a fabric art project on the go that I would like to finish. Two actually. I am eager to fill the blank white spaces above our couch and bed with something..and handmade homemade certainly carries the best energy (-: I love the thought of personally building your life, Putting your hands and heart into everything from childcare to bread to the art hanging on the walls, the toys your children play with and the dishes you eat off of.
(-: Have a beautiful day!
March 6, 2009
spring cleaning

It warms me 'ole heart (-:
March 1, 2009
'Tis Sunday indeed